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The Long Road

"That One"? Civic LifeThe Long Road

"That One"?

Last night's presidential debate was, on the whole, quite substantive, offering the public a good sense of the fundamental differences between McCain and Obama on issues ranging from health care to foreign policy.  However, the…
Christopher Long
October 8, 2008
The Issues Civic LifeThe Long Road

The Issues

In a striking comment earlier this month, Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, insisted: "This election is not about issues.  This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."…
Christopher Long
September 25, 2008
Long Time LivingThe Long Road

Long Time

I have now posted episode 9 of Life with Chloe and Hannah, entitled "Long Time." It chronicles our time with my brother, Jon, and his family, Hilary, Hoshaiah, Lucia and Natasha as they visited us…
Christopher Long
September 4, 2008
Laughter LivingThe Long Road


WNYC's Radio Lab did a wonderful set of stories on laughter recently.  They appeal to Aristotle as having said that human beings "are the only ones of the animals that laugh" (Parts of Animals, 673a7).…
Christopher Long
March 1, 2008
Web 3.0 TechnologyThe Long Road

Web 3.0

After hearing the Education Technology Services (ETS) Talk, number 35 in which issues were raised about the limits of Facebook and other aspects of Web 2.0 social networking that were feeling a bit cumbersome, I…
Christopher Long
December 13, 2007