Rose Cherubin, Associate Professor of Philosophy at George Mason University, joins me and a special panel of colleagues from the Ancient Philosophy Society for a special SPEP edition of the Digital Dialogue. We gathered together in Arlington, VA to discuss the paper Rose Cherubin gave at the APS panel at SPEP entitled “Parmenides: Another Way.”
Rose specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy, particularly the thinking of Parmenides, and metaphysics. She has published numerous articles in Ancient Greek Philosophy and she is currently working on a book related to the thinking of Parmenides with the working title: Justice, Knowledge and Inquiry. My other two panelists are previous interlocutors on the Digital Dialogue, Sara Brill, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Fairfield University, who joined me for Digital Dialogue episode 13 on Psychology and Politics, and Jill Gordan, the Charles A. Dana Professor of Philosophy at Colby College, who joined me for Digital Dialogue episode 9 on Erotic Politics.
Digital Dialogue 17 with Rose Cherubin, Jill Gordon and Sara Brill: Parmenides
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- Austin, Scott. Parmenides and the History of Dialectic. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2007.
- Cassin, Barbara. “Who’s Afraid of the Sophists? Against Ethical Correctness.” Trans. Charles T. Wolfe. Hypatia 15.4 (2000): 102-120. (Available online via JSTOR.)
- Cherubin, Rose. “Legein, Noein, and To Eon in Parmenides.” Ancient Philosophy 21_ (2001): 277-303.
- ________, “Alētheia from Poetry into Philosophy: Homer to Parmenides.” In Logos and Muthos, edited by William Wians. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2009.
- Hermann, Arnold. To Think Like God. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2004.
- Miller, Mitchell. “Ambiguity and Transport: Reflections on the Proem to Parmenides’ Poem.” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 30 (2006): 1-47.
- Robbiano, Chiara. Becoming Being. International Pre-Platonic Studies 5. Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2006.
- Tarán, Leonardo. Parmenides. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965.