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As the year comes to a close, so too does my 365 in 2013 picture a day project. The purpose of the project was to cultivate habits of mindfulness.

Each day I set myself the task of capturing an image of something beautiful in the quotidian. This year, as in 2011, the picture-a-day practice required me to tune my attention to the world around me, to those little, remarkable things that often escape notice.

Here are a few of the themes that emerged this year:


Stairs embody the movement of ascension and decent, though as I reflect upon these images I notice that I rarely take images from the top looking down. The perspective I have adopted this year has most often been one that invites a sense of ascent.

The View from our bedroom window

The light, sky, trees and mountains outside our bedroom window are a source of endless fascination. These images extend back to the 365in2011 project.


Thales is said to have argued that water is the primary principle of all things; it found its way into a number of my pictures this year.

If you have been following along with the project, I would be interested in your feedback. What themes did you notice emerging over the course of the year? Which image was your favorite? What sorts of images struck you most poignantly? Do you have any suggestions for next year?

365 in 2013