Christopher Moore joins me for Digital Dialogue, episode 53. He received his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2008 and is currently Lecturer in Philosophy and Classics at Penn State.
His areas of specialization include: Ancient Philosophy, Socrates, Aesthetics and Democratic Theory.
He has a number of articles in press and forthcoming, including:
- “Chaerephon, Telephus, and Cure in Plato’s Gorgias,” Arethusa (forthcoming May 2012)
- “The Myth of Theuth in the Phaedrus,” in Status, Uses and Function of Plato’s Myths, Catherine Collobert, Pierre Destrée, Francisco Gonzalez, edd. (Brill, forthcoming Spring 2012)
- “Socratic Persuasion in the Crito,” British Journal of the History of Philosophy (forthcoming November 2011)
I was very happy when Christopher joined the faculty here at Penn State because it offered me the opportunity to work closely with someone who really understands the nuances of Greek. What better way to welcome Christopher, I thought, than to invite him onto the Digital Dialogue to talk about his very interesting paper on the connection between Plato’s Phaedrus and Pindar’s First Isthmian, a poem from which Socrates quotes early on in the Phaedrus.
I hope you will enjoy our conversation as much as I did.
there seem to be some similar themes in the new Dreyfus/SDKelly book All Things Shining of the role of inspiration, vicarious experiences (spectating/fans/reading/etc) and the relationship of expertise to Quality.
I wonder if we couldn't also tie in your work on Justice and response-abilities, which was a part of the ATS book that many found lacking (questions about sorting just en-theos from potentially fascistic en-theos)? Of course recent tragic events at your school raise also some serious worries about such matters, and perhaps suggest that Rorty was right to question whether "experience" can the measure of public justice/rightness.
ps the new player is great, thanks
I liked your contrast between being caught up in the 'game' at hand (think Wittgenstein) and being "animated by a principal" which reminds me of John Caputo's sense of being-called (he would say messianic) but this is an idea that needs much more fleshing out, I tend to talk of it in terms of overcoming the tyranny of the means.
[youtube prpDpSiCzU0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prpDpSiCzU0&feature=related youtube]
congrats on the new book and looking forward to seeing how this venture might widen the public square.
Thanks, Dirk. I have appreciated your consistent presence here on the blog and your feedback throughout. As I mentioned on G+, I have had some good conversations with the press and feel hopeful that we can do something innovative here once the book is vetted.