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Teaching Philosophy with Technology Workshop

By August 23, 2010January 24th, 2018Presentation: Other, Presentations, Vita

Colorful Prometheus

Originally uploaded by Allison Harger

This workshop, for graduate students in the Philosophy Department at Penn State, focuses on using social media technologies to cultivate cooperative communities of learning in Philosophy courses. Its purpose is to transform our pedagogical practices in ways that empower students to take co-ownership of their own education.

Its main outcome of the workshop will be a co-authored field guide for teaching and learning philosophy with technology. In order to facilitate this, participating students are asked to send me their gmail addresses (and to sign up for a gmail account if they don’t already have one) so I can add them as co-editors to our shared google document.

The workshop itself will be held on Friday, September 3rd, from 3:30-5pm in Willard 173.
Participating students are asked to do two other things prior to the workshop. First, please visit the following poll we have set up to learn a bit more about your familiarity with social media technology.
Second, please take a moment to write a comment on the current blog in which you tell us two things about yourself, one of which is true, the other of which is false. Do not tell us which is true and which false as we are going to use this for an ice breaker at the workshop.

Finally, students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the workshop if they have them.


  • Daniel Palumbo says:

    Here is one piece of true information and one piece which is false:
    I can speak three languages fluently.
    I am a musician.
    See you at the workshop,

  • Mark Fisher says:

    Hi All,
    I’m not a student, but I am a participant, so here goes:
    1. There are several fewer than six degrees of separation between me, the Brothers Grimm, and Martin Heidegger
    2. I once translated the ‘Transcendental Deduction’ from the 1781 A edition of Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” into first order predicate logic to determine whether or not the argument is valid
    Looking forward to the workshop!

  • Ayesha Abdullah says:

    One of the two following pieces of information is true and one is false:
    I am terrible with technology.
    I am amazingly skillful with technology.
    See you at the workshop,

  • Ayesha Abdullah says:

    Subtract the first “The” from my original comment. 🙂

  • David Agler says:

    1. I had a physical altercation with Grimace outside of a McDonald’s.
    2. My first publication was on how much I love the USA.
    See you at the workshop (not the false utterance).


    1. I am an auntie
    2.I have three brothers
    See you all soon!

  • Christopher P. Long says:

    Two statements about me, one true, one false:
    1) I performed as Medea once, with hair down to my shoulders.
    2) I bungee jumped off the edge of the Grand Canyon at dusk.

  • John Dolan says:

    Like Mark, I am not a Philosophy grad student, but will be participating in the workshop.
    My two statements:
    1) I once got my dog stuck on a record player.
    2) I was an extra for two seasons of “Saved by the Bell”.

  • JOE BALAY says:

    Hello, I am a philosophy grad student.
    1. These people are not telling the truth.
    2. I am telling the truth.

  • Christina Shaheen Moosa says:

    Hi, I am graduate student in the philosophy department:
    Here are two facts about me:
    1) I once appeared in an episode of the Discovery Channel’s FBI Files.
    2) I never had to ask any of my PHIL 010 students for help with setting up my own computer for power points.

  • Christina Shaheen Moosa says:

    Hi, I am graduate student in the philosophy department:
    Here are two facts about me:
    1) I once appeared in an episode of the Discovery Channel’s FBI Files.
    2) I never had to ask any of my PHIL 010 students for help with setting up my own computer for power points.

  • Nancy Tuana says:

    Hi all,
    When I was younger, I was a member of SDS (Students for a Democratic Society).
    When I was an undergraduate I took ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corp)classes.
    See you all this afternoon.

  • Camisha Russell says:

    1. Before deciding to go to grad school, I took the State Department Foreign Service Officer Test and passed the written portion.
    2. I’ve walked among the last remaining wild giraffes in West Africa.

  • Lindsey Stewart says:

    I’m excited about this workshop.