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TLT Symposium 2010: Teaching and Learning in Digital Dialogue

By March 26, 2010January 24th, 2018Presentation: Other, Presentations, Vita

Today students from my Fall 2009 Philosophy 20, Ancient Greek Philosophy, course present a short video that seeks to express something of the learning community that grew when we did all our writing in the course in public on a course blog.  (The students posted the video on the course blog as well.)

All the words spoken on the video were written on the blog during the semester.  I am grateful to Cody Yashinski, Pam Dorian, Jordan Sanford and Joni Noggle for helping to conceive and produce this video, and to Tony Arnold, Anthony Zirpoli, Daniel Mininger, Sam MacDonald and Marina McCoy for participating.

Because the structure of the course was unorthodox, I also provide the video below for context.  It is a screencast of the Prezi presentation I gave at the Central APA on Teaching with Technology that focuses on the pedagogical commitments that animated the creation of this course.