Over the course of the last few months, I have been very critical of Hillary Clinton’s politics. However, now is the time to recognize the powerful significance of her candidacy for the presidential nomination, to reaffirm the importance of electing a woman president of the United States and to express gratitude for the ways in which her continuing to campaign into June has made Barack Obama stronger candidate by forcing him to extend the roots of his grassroots organization into many more states.
Although we weren’t able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it’s got about 18 million cracks in it and the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time.
I have been very disappointed and angered by the sort of misogyny that she had to endure throughout her campaign. From references to “Billary” to lewd nutcrackers, to men yelling “Iron my shirt,” to the sexist comments by commentators like Tucker Carlson, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, we have witnessed an embarrassing display of destructive and hateful misogyny.
- Katha Politt’s Iron my Skirt article in The Nation.
- Judith Warner’s Women in Charge, Women Who Charge article in the New York Times.
A great post. Thank you for this.
Your story about Chloe’s reaction to the candidates will stay with me for some time. It is encouraging to think that she might, perhaps, grow up in the light of “18 million cracks”, though it is important to remember that many of the people featured in the WMC video are working diligently and desperately to fill in those cracks as quickly as possible. I hope that Obama makes it a priority to keep them open.