Almost immediately upon being awarded a $236K Mellon Grant to develop the Public Philosophy Journal, Mark Fisher, Dean Rehberger and I found ourselves in New York at the 2013 Ithaka Sustainable Scholarship conference to learn more about how to identify a path by which scholarly projects like the @PubPhilJ can be sustained after their period of funding.
In the 66th episode of the Digital Dialogue, we discuss the journal, the technology behind it, the interface, and the future of scholarly publishing. At Ithaka, we learned more about the current state of scholarly publishing, the challenges it faces and the possibilities open to it in a digital age. In this podcast, we think together out loud about where we are and where we hope to go with the Public Philosophy Journal.
I think that Paul Rabinow’s emphasis, after Foucault & Dewey, on addressing problems in peoples’ daily lives is the way to go as it builds in the public’s “self” interests as well as making central ameliorative possibilities. Couldn’t hurt the future prospects of academics to become recognized and valued partners in making their wider communities better places to live and exhibiting some kind of public return on tax payers dollars.