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Tom Tuozzo, Professor of Philosophy at Kansas University, joins me for episode 50 of the Digital Dialogue.
Professor Tuozzo is author of the forthcoming book with Cambridge University press entitled “Plato’s Charmides. Positive Elenchus in a ‘Socratic’ Dialogue.”
He has written extensively on Ancient Greek Philosophy, including “The General Account of Pleasure in Plato’s Philebus” Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1996) 495-513; “Aristotle’s Theory of the Good and Its Causal Basis” Phronesis 40 (1995) 293-314; “Contemplation, the Noble, and the Mean: The Standard of Moral Virtue in Aristotle’s Ethics” Apeiron 28 (1995) 453-448.
Tom joins me on the Digital Dialogue to discuss an article he published in Epoché vol. 15, no. 2, 2010 entitled: How Dynamic is Aristotle’s Efficient Cause?