The Rock Ethics Institute has taken a lead in cultivating a real dialogue about the Penn State’s energy future.
On November 18, 2009, Nancy Tuana, the Director of the Rock Ethics Institute, moderated a roundtable discussion of Penn State’s energy future with students, faculty and members of the Office of Physical Plant.
The Institute has produced and published a number of interviews from those involved on their YouTube site. There you will find the full range of views about how we might move forward in a responsible and sustainable way to ensure that Penn State’s energy needs are met in the future.
Viewing these interviews, I was struck by how thoughtful and concerned each of the stakeholders are as they talk through ideas about how to act as good stewards for the institution and the environment.
It seems to me that this is a model of dialogue in which academics, students and engineers come together in a thoughtful way to address an issue of common concern. Our community is enriched by it. Whatever we ultimately decide, we will know we have done the difficult work necessary to make an informed and thoughtful decision together.
I embed here the video from my friend Paul Moser, Superintendent of Steam Services, who is about as thoughtful a person as I know on these issues: