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A New Phase

As I grow older, I realize more and more that a life is made up of lives, that an individual life involves phases linked yet distinct.

With the approach of my 40th birthday in May, the submission of my second Aristotle book manuscript to Cambridge University Press, Chloe’s pre-registration for Kindergarten, Hannah’s hard earned successes in moving out of diapers, Val’s exciting new adventures with art, bread making and living locally, it seems that a new phase is upon us.

Often the phases of my life have been marked by a shift in location. This new phase, however, involves a deepening relationship to this place: this house, this town, this state, and indeed, now even, to this country.

Spring is upon us; it is again the time of imagination.

And I imagine my way into this new phase of life, where relationships deepen, research stretches in new directions, new opportunities open.

And again I am aware of how fulfilling it is to be right here, now, with these people: family, friends, colleagues.